Learn Collaborate and Share Best Child Rights practices

This forum is open to all members of the Child Rights Principles Community of Practice (CRP-COP). Use this forum if you wish to exchange ideas or start a discussion with all participants.

If you wish to share your resources, please send to info@cr-ptp.net. Please read the instructions BEFORE submitting your resources.

Your resource will be sent to the CoP’s moderator for review and will be shared on the Members’ forum.

In the e-mail, please record information that can be used to assist the CoP’s moderators make an appropriate entry. This should include:

  • Which of the Principles it should be categorised as being associated with (one or more)
  • Which user group(s) should be associated with it (Practitioner, Programme Staff, Partner, Board, Management (more than one category can be specified)
  • Which keywords should be used to find it
  • A short description of the resource which can help a browser of the toolkit understand what the resource consists of and its use in supporting the application of the 6 Principles.